What kind of fun would you like to have when you turn 101 years old? You stretch it out and have a little fun several times a day and for several days. Too much fun, at one time, is too much fun. Now, I'm really not sure if it is too much fun for the Birthday Girl or for the people around her having the fun. But, anyway, we have celebrated for two days and there's more to come.
The house is filled with balloons, singing balloons, dancing balloons, floating balloons, still balloons, balloons with her picture on them.
The mantle and tables are filled with birthday cards. Tall cards, short cards, double folded cards, triple folded cards, 'store bought' cards, 'home made' (computer) cards, homemade-store bought cards, sweet cards, funny cards, serious cards, glittered cards, cards that have little things inside that fall out when you open them , (confetti all over the floor, I love it :), cards that have money and checks inside that fall out when you open them, a card, like a banner, that opens out about 5 feet that has pictures of Miss K, starting when she was a baby and ending with a current photo.
The spaces that are not filled with cards are filled with vases of beautiful, fresh flowers and house plants. Please don't forget about the cake and ice cream. We have a six (6) layer yellow cake with chocolate icing, yellow sheet cake with fudge icing, blueberry muffins with no icing, homemade, banana-nut bread, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate candy and special chocolate candy that has the Birthday Girl's picture on the label with a special message for her. To top all that, we have vanilla ice cream in the freezer. So, when you walk into this house, you get the idea that someone is having a birthday.
And so, after you wade through the floating balloons, visually see the cards all over the room, then you can smell the lovely mixed floral fragrances and this is all mixed with the sweet smell of chocolate, I ask you, "What's not to like about a birthday, even if you have literally had one hundred of them, before this one?"