Katherine Brant, And so...

Welcome to the life and times of Katherine Ione Brant, born June 7, 1909. These stories appear in no particular order; however, the first couple of stories will give a little background and information concerning the storyteller. From time to time, I will write information and stories about Miss Katherine from my perspective. Most of the stories are related to me and recorded by Miss Katherine. Hopefully, by the end of this year, there will be a book ready for publish. If you know Miss Katherine, have photos or stories to add to this collection, please send an e-mail with the information. Miss Katherine would love to hear some comments from you. Thanks and enjoy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010. Today was a special day and if all possible Katherine Brant was going to Sunday School and Church at the First Baptist Church Downtown Jacksonville.
We were so happy that she was able to go to church last Wednesday night, March 31,2010. This was a special and exciting time for her because on Wednesday nights our church meets in the smaller sanctuary, The Ruth Lindsay Auditorium. This was the church Miss Katherine went to for many years. She was a member of the choir and attended church regularly. When our congregation out-grew this auditorium, the new, larger auditorium was built across the street from the Ruth Lindsay. So, just to return to the smaller church to worship, sing and take part in the Lord's Supper was a delightful treat for Miss Katherine. Many of her friends came over to speak to her, and of course, hugs and kisses were aplenty. I told her that I thought she looked like someone important, maybe like a movie star or Mrs. Vanderbilt. The couple sitting behind us must have thought so, too. They didn't know her, but they sure wanted to shake her hand, introduce themselves and tell her "hello". I'm surprised they didn't ask for an autograph.
Miss Katherine 'hinted' all week that she sure would like to go to the Sunrise Service. She remembered years ago she and her dear friend Julie would always go to Easter Sunrise Service. The last one she could remember going to was in Green Cove Springs, at the park by the beautiful St. Johns River. I told her to just keep that memory because I was not getting up well before daybreak, get dressed, get her dressed and go to the Sunrise Service, then go to regular Sunday School and Church, then go out to lunch. I didn't know about her, but, I was too old for that much going, and so early in the morning.
Easter morning, resurrection day for our Lord and Saviour, was a beautiful morning. The sun popped up with all splendor and glory and majestically announced the day proclaiming God as the Creator of all things. The Sun and all the universe knows that God created them and the Creator is in control. On this day over 2000 years ago, Jesus, by way of His crucifixion and resurrection, was victorious over sin, death and Satan. It is because of this, Miss Katherine prayed for strength to be able to get up and go to Sunday School and church. The Lord was willing and she was able to get dressed and get to Sunday School and church. It has been almost a year since she has been able to attend Sunday School and church. I think the last time she went to anything at the church was a special candlelight service December 24, 2009. Easter Sunday, she wore a bright, red silk blouse, off white suit, off white shoes and a red hat with red spangles on top. She was absolutely stunning. After she got home and had lunch, I tried to remove her hat so she would be more comfortable and she would not let me. She said that she was fine just the was she was. And so...I left her just the way she was, hat and all.

1 comment:

  1. I love her outfit and the story!! She is such a precious lady!!
