Katherine Brant, And so...

Welcome to the life and times of Katherine Ione Brant, born June 7, 1909. These stories appear in no particular order; however, the first couple of stories will give a little background and information concerning the storyteller. From time to time, I will write information and stories about Miss Katherine from my perspective. Most of the stories are related to me and recorded by Miss Katherine. Hopefully, by the end of this year, there will be a book ready for publish. If you know Miss Katherine, have photos or stories to add to this collection, please send an e-mail with the information. Miss Katherine would love to hear some comments from you. Thanks and enjoy.

Friday, April 30, 2010

My Eyes Were Opened

When I was working at the vitamin place in Orlando, I met this woman who came in to buy vitamins.  We sold to the vitamin stores, but they would let people come in to just buy vitamins and other stuff.  One day this woman came in to buy vitamins and she asked me if I knew about the spiritualist at that place out there by Orlando.  I told her I had heard about it but I never was able to go out there. Well, if you believe in that, then you come out to my house for supper.  I would like to cook you a very nice supper, you come out and eat with my husband and me and we will have a nice spiritual time.  I said, "Oh, that sounds  interesting."  I had never been invited to anybody's house like that. 

So, she told me what night to come and I went.  We had a nice supper, and when we got through, she said, "Now you and my husband go on out into the living room while I clean up the dishes and things and I will be right on in there."  I went in the living room, and she came in a little while, and she turned out the lights.  I said, "What did you turn the lights out  for?"  She said, "We can't get the spirits in here with the lights on." I said "Will I be able to see them?"  "Yes, I don't know why you can't," she said.  And so, we hadn't been sitting there but for a few minutes, then she said, "Do you have a brother in the spirit world?"  I said, "No, my brother is very much alive. Why do you ask me that?"  "Well, there is a boy standing right beside you and he looks so much like you, that is his coloring of his skin and hair."  I said,  "Did he say anything?"  She said "No, but he is looking at you and smiling and oh, he is smiling like he loves you to death."  I said, "Well, how old does he look to be?" Well, she couldn't tell exactly, but she did think he was just a young boy.   She thought he was my brother.  She didn't know how old I was.   Anyway, she said, "Well, you don't know who that would be?"  I said, "Well, it could be, I thought, Lloyd,  Jr., but she didn't say anything.  In a few minutes, she said,  "Now I see an old lady sitting in a little church up next to the alter.   She's got on a bonnet."  I said "What?"  "Yes, she 's an old lady sitting up next to the preacher.  I guess she couldn't hear so well."  I said, "I don't know who that could be unless it's my grandmother."  "Well, that was what I was wondering." the lady said.  And that's all she ever showed me in the spirits. I don't guess she was hunting anybody else. She soon turned the lights on and we went on talking about other things.

Well, when my brother died, we couldn't find his money.  He had taken it out of the bank.  He had sold some cows and made some money on them. He had quite a bit of money from that and we couldn't find it. We were afraid his wife had checked out some of it from the bank.  Daddy said, "You know, he was pretty good about burying things."  My Daddy went all around the lot looking for places he might have buried some money.  I said , "Oh, I don't think he did that. But, I don't know what he did with it."  And so, I said,  "You know what I'm going to do?  I'm going down to Orlando and see that lady and see if she can find him in this spiritual world.  And, maybe he will tell us, through her."  Now, isn't that something? I went down there to see her and she tried her best to contact him in the spiritual world.  She couldn't get him. And so, I said, "Well, I don't guess anybody else in the spirits could do it either.  So, I went back home.  We finally found out where the money went.  His next door neighbor told me and Daddy, "I know where Lloyd's money is. He let this friend of his from Augusta have that money.  This friend said that he  knew how to  invest it and make more money.  Lloyd listened to him and let him have that money for a while to find  out if he could make more money."

And so, I said, "I still want to go to that spirit world when I get a chance."   Well, I finally went out to Cassadaga, me, Julie and another friend went.  We went to a meeting in this big room.  There were a lot of people there. The people that were running things,  got up and said, "We are going to pass around some little slips of paper and we want you to write your initials, that's all, just initials on these little slips of paper."  Then they came around to pick them up.  They are going to bring them up here and the  spiritualist would be able to give you a message. 

The spiritualist was from somewhere in Canada, and came down here every winter.  I guess he wanted to get out of the cold.  Well, we didn't know how in the world he was going to be able to do that with just  our initials.  Well, sure enough, we put them in the plate when it came by and I wondered how in this world is he going to know anything about that.  When they took them up there to him, he put them on something that he could burn them.  He burned up every one of them. And then, he look at them, the ashes, and he would start announcing to everybody, calling their initials and telling them things.  Then he said, "KIB."   "Oh, that's me, K.I.B.," I said.  He told me, "You are going to be taught something to do that you are going to be very happy about.  Someone is going to be very nice and kind and  he is going to help you."  I thought, "I  don't know what under the sun, that could be.  I don't know anybody like that."  I didn't think any more about it after that night. 

After that time, Julie and I were going to some services at the Lutheran church and heard the minister, and he starts talking about the spiritualist and he said that was nothing but the work of the devil and he said I should never go to one of those. He told me don't you never ever go to one of these people. And so, I've never been to one since. That cured me. I never did think of it that way, but I can see now, that something, well, I don't know, it's just not right. I never went again. Isn't that strange, I go down there to that place and the spiritualist told me, just with my initials, that somebody was going to teach me something. I don't know how he knew that.

Cassadaga , Florida is a weird little town in Volusia County.The town or ‘camp’ as it is referred to, has a population of about 100, most of which are mediums, psychics, spiritualist, fortune tellers, astrologist, palm and tarot readers, etc.
Leviticus 19:31 “Do not turn to mediums or seek spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God,” is one of many verses condemning this type of activity. We are warned by God’s Word to stay away from the dark side and the evil one, Satan. Open your eyes to the wrong things you are walking into.
A lot of people go to Cassadaga out of curiosity and fun or with hopes to help heal a grieving heart. No matter what the reason, it is still Satan. How does foolishness come in and good sense leave you? Dabbling and entering into devilish territory. 

When we came back to Jacksonville, my niece said, "Katherine I want you to go out to 18 th Street with me.  I want you to see something that  I found, that I didn't dream was here, until somebody took me out here.  You can by these nice things that this man makes and you can paint them yourself."   I said, "What?".  She tried to explain to me and I said, "Well, I would like to go and see what this is all about."  We went out there and the man, Mr. Johnson, wasn't there. His wife was in the garage, an older lady who looked like she must have been his mother.  And so, we went in there and my niece said to her, "Oh,  Mr. Johnson isn't here today?"  The woman  said, "He's not my son, he's my husband. He had to go to the bank to take our money.  Now, if there is anything you would like to have, you can see it all here."  My niece said, "Well, we wanted  to see Mr. Johnson.  I guess we will have to come back."  The woman  said, "Yes, if you want to see him, that is what you will have to do. But, he will be back in a little while if you would like to wait."   But, we left because my niece didn't want to wait.   I said to my niece, "I don't know what this is all about."  She said, "I think we need to go back and see him".  And so, we did, I think it was another week before we went back, but we went back.  I met  Mr. Johnson, and,  oh-h-h, he couldn't do enough for me.   I said, "I would like to know how you make this stuff."  He said, "I would be glad to show you.  I'll help you if you would like to know anything about it."   I said, " I really would, I think, but I don't live here, I live is South Carolina,   I'm just down here on a visit.  I really would like to be able to make this stuff myself. I believe I could sell it up there. He said,  "I'll teach you and I will let you have some of my molds and I will tell you what kind of stuff you use to mix and pour in them and I will show you the whole thing."  And he did.   He taught me to make plaster molds and that's what  the spiritualist told me.  Someone would teach me something and he would be very nice to me.  Now, that makes you wonder, doesn't it?
After that time, Julie and I were going to some services at the Lutheran church and heard the minister, and he starts talking about the spiritualist and he said that was nothing but the work of the devil  and he said I should never go to one of those.  He told me don't you never ever go to one of these people. And so, I've never been to one since.  That cured me. I  never did think of it that way, but I can see now, that something, well, I don't know, it's just not right.  I never went again. Isn't that strange, I go down there to that place and the spiritualist told me, just with my initials, that somebody was going to teach me something.  I don't know how he knew that.

Mr. Johnson was so helpful to me.  He taught me how to paint the plaster thingd.  He even taught me how to make my own molds. One time I came to see him to bring some of the molds back that he let me use.  He told me that his wife had breast cancer, in both breast, and that she would not live much longer.  He asked me if I could take his wife somewhere, to a restaurant, to get some shrimp.  She loved shrimp and they didn't have a car.  I told him I knew just the place to go get good shrimp.  And so, his wife and I went to get shrimp for lunch.  She told me, as we were having lunch, when she died, she wanted him to get married again because she knew he needed to, and that I was the woman she wanted him to marry.  I said, "Oh, Mrs. Johnson, I can't do that.  I couldn't marry anybody that I never had gone with and hadn't been with and learned to love them." 

Well, after telling me she wanted me to marry him, and  I told her I couldn't do that and so, when we got back, I guess she told him to go ahead and have their picture made.   I don't know why they thought they had to have that picture .  Then he keep begging me to marry him.   When I knew she was going to pass away anytime,  I said, "Mr. Johnson, you wouldn't want me.  I wouldn't be a good wife. I don't know how to be a good wife."  He said, "Well, I could show you."  I said, "Not me!"  And so, she passed away and he kept after me to marry him.  I kept telling him, "I couldn't do that". 

He met a lady that lived over on Riverside. She was a nice looking lady and he started talking to her about getting married. He asked her,"Would you marry me?"  He said later that  he shouldn't have told her all that he did.   He told her, "I have plenty of money in the bank, I don't have a car but I got this little place here and I don't know why in the world you wouldn't want to be my wife.  I could put your name on my bank account."  I don't know what all he told her, but she thought, this is my chance.  They said, "We will have to go up to Georgia to get married, because we would have to wait a couple of days if we got our licenses down here.

 And so, they went up to Georgia and she married him. They came back down to Florida that afternoon.  I think they might have gone up on the bus.  Anyway, they came back down and he said, "Now, you are going to stop off with me and spend the night with me at my house?"  "Oh,no," she said,  "I've got to go to my place on Riverside, because I got some dogs I have to feed.  They wouldn't know what to do if I'm not there to feed them."  "Well then," he said, "you can come back after you feed the dogs."   "Not tonight, I couldn't come back," she said.  He said, " Well how about tomorrow?"  "Well,  let's see about tomorrow," she said.

He had already bought her a nice, big diamond ring.  Oh, yes, she wanted that pretty ring.  The next day, she checked out his money from the bank and left town.  He didn't know that until she had already gone.  He had no way to catch her.  And that's what she did to him.  She got all his money that was  in the bank, and I bet he had a lot.  I don't know how many thousands, but I know he had several thousands.  There's no telling how much he had.  I finally told Mr. Johnson, I was awfully sorry for him getting into something like that.  There was nothing I could do to help him.

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