Katherine Brant, And so...

Welcome to the life and times of Katherine Ione Brant, born June 7, 1909. These stories appear in no particular order; however, the first couple of stories will give a little background and information concerning the storyteller. From time to time, I will write information and stories about Miss Katherine from my perspective. Most of the stories are related to me and recorded by Miss Katherine. Hopefully, by the end of this year, there will be a book ready for publish. If you know Miss Katherine, have photos or stories to add to this collection, please send an e-mail with the information. Miss Katherine would love to hear some comments from you. Thanks and enjoy.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Time Marches On

Katherine Ione Brant
Born June 7,1909
Colleton County, South Carolina

Daughter of
Angus Hamilton and Winifred Mozelle Brant

Currently resides in Jacksonville, Florida

With every tick of the clock we are drawn closer to our final destination. Some have a very short ride while others have a ride that seems to go on forever. We do not know the time nor the hour our clock will tick for the very last time.

God knows the exact year, month, day, hour and minute that we will breathe our last breath here on this earth and cross over into our eternal resting place. And so...since we do not know the date nor time of this glorious event, we must make the best of what time we do have. Every minute is precious and should be spent for something worthwhile.

If you want to know how to do something, either get with someone who can teach you, read a book (definition of a book, a collection of information printed on paper very useful in gaining knowledge before the computer age), or take a class at a community school center or college. If you are not doing something to improve your own knowledge base, then you should be teaching someone the things that you know. Knowledge kept to yourself and not used is wasted knowledge. Keep yourself busy by doing nice things for other people. And that, my friend, is what this blog is all about.

This is a story about the Life and Times of Katherine Brant. A special Lady who has kept herself busy learning the things that made her complete, sharing the knowledge with others and doing nice things for other people.

I met this special lady in March 2008 who was 98 years and 9 months old. She is a fascinating woman with an incredible memory who loves to tell about her life adventures. I'm using the title "And so..." because her stories never end. One story or adventure just leads into another and she can go on for hours remembering her past. She is truly a woman who has 'been there, done that'.

The stories and information from hence forth will not be in any specific order. Sometimes the blog will be about the things we are doing around the house. We are geting ready for a yard sale and you would be surprised at the interesting things we find. Other days will be just stories from days gone by.

The names of the people she mentions will be spelled to the best of my ability. The names will not be changed to protect the innocent or the guilty, which ever the case may be. Some words or terms may be offensive to some people, but you must remember, she is almost 101 years old and words were not so politically correct in the early 1900's. I will try to keep the verbiage as close to her actual story as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I was working on some family history research the other night when I stumbled across Katherine Brant's info on FindAGrave.com. I was surprised to see that she lived in Jacksonville. I did some more Googling and came across this blog. Katherine's father, Angus, and my great-great grandmother, Hattie Brant O'Quinn, were siblings. I am in Jacksonville, too, and have been here my entire life. Hattie's grandson moved his family here from Colleton County, SC in the early 50's and they've been here ever since. I doubt Katherine knew she had a fellow cousin here all these years. I wish I had known about her while she was still alive. I definitely would have made some sort of effort to visit with her and hear her Brant family stories!
