Katherine Brant, And so...

Welcome to the life and times of Katherine Ione Brant, born June 7, 1909. These stories appear in no particular order; however, the first couple of stories will give a little background and information concerning the storyteller. From time to time, I will write information and stories about Miss Katherine from my perspective. Most of the stories are related to me and recorded by Miss Katherine. Hopefully, by the end of this year, there will be a book ready for publish. If you know Miss Katherine, have photos or stories to add to this collection, please send an e-mail with the information. Miss Katherine would love to hear some comments from you. Thanks and enjoy.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I Can Do It

As I mentioned previously, Miss Katherine is a versatile and talented woman. Both her parents seemed to be talented and resourceful, as well. Her mother, Winifred Mozelle Brant, was talented in the kitchen, taking care of the house and hotel, sewing, crocheting embroidering and she was called upon by the local mercantile store to decorate and trim ladies hats. All this, plus running a small farm, working part time in the mercantile store and Post Mistress (mail at this time was delivered by postmen on horseback) and she still had time to read her Bible and teach Sunday School. She was a devoted Mother and taught her children morals and to love without prejudices.

Her father, Angus Hamilton Brant, was a carpenter, a farmer, owned and managed a turpentine still, managed a mercantile store, deacon in their church and the mayor of Yemassee for many years. He, also, was devoted to his children and took time to teach them the skills he was taught and had learned through the years.


When Miss Katherine needed her fence repaired, she repaired her fence. When she needed cement slab poured for her driveway, she poured the slab. She needed a mail shoot installed on the front on her house for mail delivery. Yes, she installed that, too. Well, I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. She has been in the attic, under the house, on top of the roof, up the ladder, down the ladder. She added a bathroom and extended a bedroom; she added a garage and enlarged her kitchen. I have a few photos, but you will have to use your imagination for some of these.

Miss Katherine did not wear pants, jeans, slacks, shorts or pedal pushers. Her Mama told her that ladies did not wear "britches". And so...she always wore dresses, just like her Mama told her to do. Her "work clothes" were dresses and stockings and she probably had on earrings, too. She did work for a time at the Naval Air Station and HAD to wear pants and a brogan type shoe. She tried to argue with them that she only wore dresses and I think they told her that if she wanted the job, then she would have to wear the "uniform" of slacks and brogan shoes. Boy, her Mama was not happy about that. But, she wore them to work and changed immediately when she got home. She tried not to let her Mama see her in pants.

She loved and respected her parents and tried to live by the morals and work ethics they instilled in her.
Even today, at the age of 100 and 10 months old, she still wears dresses, stocking, shoes, all the undergarments and please don't forget her earrings.

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